The NSW Semper Deinceps Medal is a prestigious award for exemplary service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Its design symbolises resilience, steadfastness, alertness, and hope. Read more..
The Semper Deinceps Medal is an award of distinction given to NSW Corrective Services staff for exemplary service during the 2020-2022 COVID-19 pandemic. Named after the Latin for 'Always Forward', the medal symbolises the relentless dedication and progressive action of its recipients in the face of adversity.
Eligibility for this medal is reserved for officers who have shown extraordinary commitment to duty during the pandemic, significantly aiding efforts to combat its impact.
The design features antique silver, signifying resilience, paired with a ribbon of dark and light blue stripes framing a central yellow stripe. The dark blue represents steadfastness, the light blue denotes alertness, and the yellow stands for the hope and positivity that these officers have inspired.
The Semper Deinceps Medal honours those who have not only sustained critical services but have also demonstrated leadership and innovation during a time of global crisis.